
If you have been hurt or threatened with physical or sexual violence or stalked, we can help. Our Florida Bar-licensed Spring of Tampa Bay* attorneys (including Spanish fluent attorneys in some areas) provide free legal representation in Hillsborough County, Marion County, and Northwest Florida (Bay, Calhoun, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist, Gulf, Hamilton, Holmes, Jackson, Lafayette, Levy, Suwannee, and Washington Counties) to help obtain Injunctions For Protection (IFP) for any survivor of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking. An injunction (restraining order) is a protective order from civil court that makes it illegal for the abuser to contact you.

To confidentially contact the Hillsborough County attorneys by phone, call or text at (813) 495-3523 or by email at (In Hillsborough, our attorneys can also represent you for free in Dependency Court if your children were removed due to the domestic violence.)

To confidentially contact the Marion County attorney by phone, call or text at (813) 981-4395 or by email at

Chiefland (Dixie, Gilchrist, Levy, Lafayette Counties)
Lake City (Columbia, Hamilton, Suwannee Counties)
Panama City (Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Washington Counties)

To confidentially contact the Northwest Florida attorney by phone, call or text at (813) 460-0184 or by email at She serves all three cities and all 13 counties listed above.

*The Spring of Tampa Bay is not providing the legal services and is acting only as an intermediary.