Karla Dettlaff CFO – Absolute Pharmacy & Nu Image Medical and CEO – Dettlaff Family Foundation
I am proud to be part of the Board of Directors of one of the best organizations in Tampa, The Spring of Tampa Bay. Once I started to get more involved my desire to help the Domestic Violence Against Women became more of a commitment because their lives are threatened. I’m scared that nearly one in every four adult women experiences at least one physical assault by a partner, and those crimes affect millions across this country regardless of age, socioeconomic status, race, or religion. It is an honor to be part of this organization that provides critical investments in our communities that save lives, rebuild families, and prevent future crimes. The programs of The Spring of Tampa Bay have also made a significant impact on my life. They have so many life-saving programs for adult and child survivors of domestic and sexual violence at their shelters and have assisted them as they transition out of crises. I’m so proud to continue to provide funding to prevent and address domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking, helping survivors and their families receive the services and assistance they need to change their lives.