Committed to Serving Survivors

The Spring of Tampa Bay is Hillsborough County’s certified domestic violence center providing survivors of domestic violence with comprehensive services and programs.

You Are Not Alone

24/7 Crisis Hotline: Hotline staff answer calls 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, providing safety planning, arranging emergency shelter, and giving information about resources.

(813) 247-SAFE (7233)

Emergency Shelter

Our 128-bed residential facility* is in a secure location, providing temporary shelter for individuals and families. The typical length of stay is six weeks.

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The Kids Team

Children living with us are eligible for on-site childcare, elementary school, after-school programs, summer camp, and tutoring. Resident children attend groups to learn about safety planning and healthy relationships. But mostly, they have fun!

Pet Programs

With community partners, The Spring provides a safe and confidential location for pets to stay while their families are in the shelter.

Economic Empowerment

We offer classes to survivors to help them prepare for self-sufficiency. Class topics include computer training, resume writing, financial literacy, and social-emotional intelligence. A specially-trained Economic Empowerment Advocate works individually with survivors, and in small groups, to address the economic conditions that create barriers to the long-term independence and safety of survivors and their children.

Outreach Services

We assist survivors with safety planning, supportive counseling, advocacy, linkage to community resources, support groups, and assistance filing Injunctions For Protection.

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Peace Village

At any given time, as many as 48 women and children live in our 12-unit apartment complex after having permanently left abusive relationships. Some of the adult residents are enrolled in college or enhanced job training programs, while others are working to save money so that they may rebuild their financial independence. Each family signs a one-year lease and pays a significantly reduced portion of their rent and utilities.

Housing Programs

This program provides homeless survivors with financial assistance to help them move into permanent housing. The survivor receives housing case management services that assist the family in finding appropriate safe housing and creating an individualized housing stability plan to ensure long-term ability to remain stably housed when the program ends. The housing case management services can last up to 12 months and throughout that time the participant receives assistance with establishing goals, increasing their income, and referrals to mainstream benefits.

Prevention Team

Our Prevention Team teaches youth about healthy relationships through schools and partner agencies. The team provides trainings on domestic violence and teen dating violence to the community and professionals who work with families. The Prevention Team gives special emphasis to decreasing teen dating violence by educating youth throughout the community, facilitating a Youth Action Committee, and advocating for inclusive services in our community. The Prevention team coordinates a program called Peace in Action as well that works to address violent behavior by teaching participants that violence and abuse are unacceptable forms of behavior.

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Child Welfare Partnership

Through this partnership, two staff bridge the gap between child welfare and domestic violence service providers. The goal is to enhance family safety, create permanency for children, reduce removals of children from non-offending parents, and hold batterers accountable.


Two Intimate Violence Enhanced Services Team (InVEST) advocates work with local law enforcement to identify victims and survivors of domestic violence at high risk of being murdered by their partners. Our advocates reach out to survivors to offer safety planning information and services, while our law enforcement partners implement measures to hold batterers accountable.

Coordinated Community Response

Leads County system stakeholders in an initiative to evaluate and implement principles that increase victim safety and offender accountability. Provides technical assistance and training to criminal justice and domestic violence stakeholders.

Domestic Violence Courts and Dependency Courts

Florida Bar-licensed attorneys employed by The Spring* provide free legal services to help obtain Injunctions For Protection for survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual violence, and stalking. The attorneys also represent parents in Dependency Court when children are removed due to the domestic violence. *The Spring of Tampa Bay is not providing the legal services and is acting only as an intermediary.

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Therapy Services

The Spring provides free mental health counseling services to adult survivors of domestic violence in our community.

Make a Referral Here


Camp HOPE is the first evidence-based camping and mentoring program in the United States to focus on children and teens exposed to domestic violence.